Thursday, February 7, 2008

Your office wear: what you understand by “casual”

Do you always know what is appropriate and what is not quite acceptable for the office wear? Even if your office wear is known as Casual – there is difference between casuals, depending on what you add to this notion. And according to this, each of us may have his own understanding of casual. In order to avoid ambivalence in this matter, you’d better define for yourself, what clothes you wear at the office. Here are some tips for you not to be confused.

At the office give preference to more classic style, avoid unnecessary sports attire and colored things. For instance, t-shirts with text across the front or back will do all right for the holiday and week-end, but not for a working day.

Do not overindulge in wearing cargo pants either. I know that they are practical, and it is not always easy to leave them at home instead of wearing them to work. But mind, you are working at an office and a suitcase will be more appropriate here. Unless you are not interested in your career and tries to use any chance to spoil the whole impression of you, go ahead!

Even if it is hot summer, it doesn’t mean you may wear shorts to work! Never! Nobody will be glad to see your hairy legs just because you are too hot in trousers. If you too warm in cotton or topical weight, wool trousers, try a linen pant, but not short, I beg of you…

Try to keep in mind (at least during the working week) that you are a serious adult, who works for a serious company and does important work. If you have realized it, you will hardly wear a sports cap or a company golf shirt to work. Nobody makes you forget about your hobbies and interests, just remember that work is work and spare time may be dedicated to what you like and what you want (sure thing, wearing what you want)! If you don’t agree, think what you would do if you were boss? Sure, you’d want all your employees not only do their work in a good way, but also look their best. As they say, clothes count for first impression…

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