Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dressiness and Casualness of Sports Jackets

If the classic business clothes seem too dull for you, you may use some alternatives (if allowed) of the so called “business casual”. For instance, sports jackets have recently become very popular due to their versatility and design approach.

First of all, sport coats are not meant to be worn with a pair matching pants in terms of fabric. It allows mixture of the jacket with other types of pants.

Another reason for the sports jackets’ popularity is that the details, silhouette, and cutting are generally more relaxed and break from the traditions found in suit jackets. You can hardly find suit jackets with elbow patches and metal buttons. But with sports jackets you are allowed to add more freedom to your image.

More than that, the fabrics available among sport coats are a lot more versatile because it can incorporate more sporty patterns or even take up woolly and thin weaved fabrics. Some examples would be houndstooth, tweed, linen and cotton fabrics. If you have already dealt with spots jackets and these fabrics, you might have noticed that they look more casual from the traditionally defined finishing and formal worsted wool suit jackets.

It is also worth mentioning, that sports jackets may be combined almost with any piece of clothes, from a sweater to a T-shirt without looking out of place. Thus, you may safely buy a sports jacket and throw some new light on your image!

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