Thursday, January 10, 2008

Scent wearing rules

Do you have your favorite scent? You don’t want to change it for anything better? You like that people recognize you by your smell? I wish you knew that it is a widely spread mistaken belief!!! It’s nice that you have your favorite scent and feel great wearing it, but at the same time you should know some other rules of using your cologne. If worn in a wrong way it may become your worst enemy. In order to prevent it, here are some tips for you.

First of all, you should take into account place you are going to. If it is office, you may use some cologne, but with a delicate aroma (it will be noticeable, but won’t be too foxy). For going out, you may choose cologne with a stronger scent with spice undertones or musky notes that will mix with your own natural pheromones. Mind, that scents for daytime and night are different: a light citrus scent or woods-based scent are perfect for daytime activities. Nighttime, however, requires a scent with deeper mystery. Add your personality aroma of mystery – your woman will hardly resist it!

Secondly, mind the strategy of spraying the scent. It is also very important, because taking into account the places where you spray it, you may either strengthen the aroma or vice versa make it unnoticeable. A little under each ear and a woman will be pleased to lean in close to talk to you. Don’t forget about your face and chin, especially about your chin - the best location for the cologne to mix with your own natural scent. Don’t spray too much of it, even if it seems to you that nobody including you notices the aroma. Just a couple of drops will do their business and you are sure to smell very pleasant, unless your cologne is not a qualitative one. Cologne actually mixes with your body and intensifies over time. As a rule you should feel no aroma after several minutes you have sprayed it. But it doesn’t mean that people surrounding you don’t smell it either.

These are the ABCs of wearing the scent, all the rest, including the choice of cologne itself is the matter of your own preferences and desires. You may choose John Varvatos Vintage - a mix of tamarind leaves, herbs and dates, with spice, woods, leather, and vanilla; Woods (Burberry London for Men) – a mix of bergamot, cinnamon, pepper, lavender, port, mimosa, moss, tobacco leaf, leather, and opoponax (it is a great variant for daytime); Musk (Gucci Pour Homme II) – it combines black tea, bergamot, tobacco, cinnamon, wood, and musk (excellent for the night) or Citrus (LaCoste Elegance) - a light, mature scent with plenty of floral fragrance notes mixed with citrus create an almost effortless second skin. Wear it at daytime and a successful day is guaranteed!

Don’t be afraid of wearing cologne – it is an important part of your image. Simply don’t bathe in it and think where you go and who will be close to you enough to notice your aroma!

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