Saturday, January 12, 2008

Colored dress shirts – why not???

I’m almost 100 percent sure that if I ask now what color your dress shirt is, the majority of men will say “white”. And it’s no wonder, because white shirts are part and parcel of every man’s wardrobe, they are suitable for almost every occasion and look neat and stylish. At the same time, it is important to know that overindulgence in “white shirts fashion” is not quite good or better to say is not at all good. If you are so fond of white shirts, nobody can make you refuse to wear them, but at the same time you shouldn’t forget, that there exist a number of other colors you can like and which can suit you perfectly well.

While choosing the color of your shirt, you should take into account your skin and your hair color. If you are fare haired, have fair skin and cannot imagine your life without a white dress shirt, make accent on your tie, otherwise you are likely to look too pale. To make your white dress shirts more interesting, then a choice of either Twill white shirt or Herringbone white shirt would provide good subtle texture to your overall monochromatic feel.

Blue color fits almost all colors of hair and skin – you are sure to have a pair of blue dress shirts in your wardrobe. As you know, blue comes in variety of shades, that’s why the best choice is going for medium blue and the suitable shade of medium should always bring the focus toward your face.

Men with tan or olive skin tones are sure to look great wearing darker blue tones. Fair skin men with dark colored hair have the best advantage in their choice of blue tones. Basically all the shades of blue are suitable for them especially the medium to dark blue tones. Men with light colored hair and fair skin has to settle for light and soft blue hues.

If you have fair skin with pinkish hue over it, you may wear pink dress shirts. But be here careful – pink color can add you a feminine touch. Today pink dress shirts are especially popular with Wall Street bankers and stockbrokers.

Yellow and gold colors look great for blonde hair men or brown and dark skin tone men. It brings out the radiance on these men’s face. It forms a nice ensemble with brown suits and even gray or navy suits.

Tan colored men’s dress shirts are a good variant for men with small difference between their skin tone and hair color. It is also a great color to match with dark brown suits creating a nice combination of these two colors.

In a nutshell, it’s worth noticing that among solid colored shirts white shirts still take the first place, then come blue, pink, yellow or gold, tan, and lastly green. Besides, you may give preference to red and orange solid dress shirts, but mind that these two colors are more fashionable that’s why can quickly become outdated. Generally speaking, if you want to look stylish, you are sure to have dress shirts of different colors – in this case you can create nice combinations and ensembles with your suits for different occasions, making every time a new impression over your friends and colleagues!

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